Thought for the week - 20 August 2023

Thought for the week - 20 August 2023

Thought for the week - 20 August 2023

# Thought for the week

Thought for the week - 20 August 2023

Isaiah 56:1,6-8;
Psalm 67;
Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32;
Matthew 15:21-28

God of Glory, the end of our searching,
help us to lay aside all that prevents us from seeking your kingdom,
and to give all that we have to gain the pearl beyond all price,
through our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen


In many Christian traditions, a selection of readings is set out for every day of the year, in what we call a lectionary. Such lists of readings have been used for centuries and vary in complexity and scope. The one we use in the Partnership is very widely used and runs on a 3-year cycle, offering readings for many different services each day. There is a theme running through the readings for the day linking them (although it’s sometimes unclear what it is!), but the Psalms run independently in more-or-less numeric order.

Today’s readings offer us the story of Joseph’s revelation of his identity to his estranged brothers, a Psalm about the blessings resulting from unity, a gospel about an ‘outsider’ blessed by Jesus, and St Paul talking very theologically about the complex issue of Israel’s part in the Gospel of Christ. We also have a clue given us in the collect of the week about God’s grace and promises. 

Looking at the story of Joseph in Genesis, we see a wonderfully written drama unfold of the time when Joseph’s brothers, not having recognised their brother whom they had sold to slave-traders many years before, stand gob-smacked as Joseph reveals his identity to them. Joseph is now the second-in-command of the whole of Egypt as Pharaoh’s right-hand-man. After all the evil his brothers had shown him during his life (not helped by Joseph as a lad taking advantage of them by being daddy’s favourite!) they are both terrified and astonished. But it is Joseph who calms them down and declares not only that he means them no harm, but also that God had orchestrated the whole thing in order to save his people (and surrounding nations) from starvation! It is a remarkable expression of forgiveness in the light of God’s grace.

This gives a good backdrop to Paul’s long and complex exposition of Israel’s history and of God’s election (plan) to save all people through believing the Good News about faith in Jesus Christ. In summary, he is saying that through a complex series of events, both Jews and Gentiles (so that’s everybody!) are saved by this belief, and that it was orchestrated by God, over centuries, ending with God’s own self-revelation in Jesus himself. No wonder Paul bursts out in the next verse, ‘O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!’ (11:33, NRSV). 

We see this inclusiveness demonstrated in Jesus’ encounter with the ‘foreign’ (non-Jewish) woman decades earlier. Seemingly dismissive of her at the start, it is actually a test (for her and/or his disciples?). It would have been taboo even to be talking to her. But now, Jesus not only applauds her for her faith, but grants her request and heals her daughter. (It would take a long time to talk about the dogs in the story, but they, too are significant!).

So, what is our theme, the common thread in all these readings? Forgiveness and salvation are offered by God to all through the grace of Jesus Christ. Regardless of their past history, social standing, religious affiliations or just ‘not being like us’, they can be saved as they believe in Jesus and all that he is. Then, finally, the Psalm also speaks of the blessings that come from God because of the unity of such brothers and sisters in God’s family. 

As we go out and about this week and mix with friends and strangers, let’s remember that, and be aware of the gospel of grace that we have to offer to those who may never have heard it, however we may be led to do that, so that they may enjoy the blessings of unity, too.

David Talks

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