Thought for the week - 22 August 2021

Thought for the week - 22 August 2021

Thought for the week - 22 August 2021

# Thought for the week

Thought for the week - 22 August 2021

Joshua 24: 1-2a, 14-18;
Psalm 34: 15-end;
Ephesians 6:10-20;
John 6:56-69

Holy God,
you liberate the oppressed and make a way of salvation.
Unite us with all who cry for justice,
and lead us together into freedom,
through our Lord and liberator,
Jesus Christ. Amen


“How lovely is your dwelling place, GOD of hosts” is the wonderful and familiar beginning of the psalm for today (Ps 84:1). A beautiful hymn in praise of God, focussing on the house of God, to which the psalmist brings heart and body to rejoice, singing out loud to worship God.

In my mind’s eye I see the pilgrims walking together, focussed on the grand and imposing building before them. They are approaching the Temple. Even if one has been before, this is an overwhelming experience. Walking together, approaching the place where generations have worshipped is a special moment. If ever you’ve walked through the tunnel onto the pitch at a stadium, if you’ve stood at the fountain in Santiago after the long walk on the Camino ready to go into the cathedral, this is so moving, so immediate, that it is something to cherish and remember, so special and personal it can hardly be shared.

As the psalm unfolds, there are clear references to being at a particular place. Not just any place. A specially chosen place, a home to all who come, even the birds! This is so important to those arriving, they are content to even stand at the entrance (be a doorkeeper) in discomfort than live with wickedness (v10). And suddenly we realize this is not actually about the place. It is about life and how the psalmist and those singing this wish to live – live as those who walks uprightly (we may say with integrity), and trusting in God.

The reading from Kings is also about the temple – Solomon’s prayer at the opening of this grand building, fit for the LORD God. Chapters 5 and 6 before the reading today describe the extensive preparations, the materials and the grand building – and grand and extensive they are, practical expressions of Solomon’s wisdom in wood and stone and metalwork. Conscripted labour, which sounds like forced labour, even slavery to me, builds this impressive structure, with the fields emptied of workers and 3,300 overseers to make sure they all worked as they should. This is how important it was.

We have questions about his wisdom in this expensive venture, but even now we note that Solomon’s prayer recognizes that “the highest heaven cannot contain you, much less this house I have built” (2 Kgs 8:27).

At his best, he knows. At our best we know – together we are called to reflect the very presence of God in Christ and it is how we live together, not only where or when we worship that really counts.

Barry Lotz

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