Thought for the week - 24 October 2021

Thought for the week - 24 October 2021

Thought for the week - 24 October 2021

# Thought for the week

Thought for the week - 24 October 2021

Isaiah 55: 1-11

Merciful God,
teach us to be faithful in change and uncertainty,
that trusting in your word and obeying your will
we may enter the unfailing joy of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Reflection - Living in Faith Over Fear

The recent news on the rate of infection of coronavirus makes for grim reading. It is very disturbing given how far we have come in the fight against the pandemic. I remember watching on the news that the infection rate is back to the level of March 2021 and may significantly get worse. I remember getting perplexed about the news and became afraid of likelihood of country needing to go into another lockdown. Over the next few days my mind kept going back to the subject again and again, until it got the point where I needed to remind myself to stop living in fear and start living in faith. Few days later I was on the internet when I saw caption that said “faith over fear”, which was something found very profound given my state of mind over that period. Hence I’ve been reflecting carefully on that phrase and I’ll like to share few thoughts with you on living in faith over fear.

I think the reason why it’s so hard to explain the concept of faith is that it’s something that isn’t meant to be explained. No one really likes the idea of believing in something “just because”, but that’s really what it boils down to. Inevitably, there are times when having faith just doesn’t make sense. If it did ‘make sense’, it wouldn’t be called faith.

While explaining faith is hard, explaining Faith Over Fear is pretty simple. Faith Over Fear doesn’t mean that you don’t feel afraid, it means that you will not let your fear consume you or your actions. For example at the beginning of the pandemic, the people that hoarded tissue paper and other vital resources that they didn’t end up using were operating in a manner that is driven by fear.

When I go to the supermarket or other public spaces, there is some risk involved with that. Faith Over Fear tells me that I’ll be able to go there, do what I need to, and then go home without living in the fear of being infected by the virus. Faith Over Fear doesn’t mean that I will blatantly put my life and the lives of others in danger to “prove a point”, by living carefree – not wearing mask, not keeping the right social distance and not sanitising my hands, rather it means that I will do the right things as advise by the government as I go about my daily living. But ultimately, my protection comes from God.

I’m lucky that I’m one of those that can work remotely, but so many people don’t have the means to work remotely, leaving them to put themselves even more at risk of infection. Medical professionals are at the forefront of it every single day. Supermarket workers, delivery drivers and warehouse workers are working harder than ever to keep shelfs stocked and good delivered. With that being said, many of us (including myself) are in a position of privilege.

No one ever said that choosing faith over fear would be fun or easy. But one thing I’ve learned through the journey of life is that we become better people on the other side of our faith being stretched. As you are reading this right now, you may feel like you’re sinking beneath the weight of life’s circumstances due to one reason or another, I totally get it because I’ve been there too! but let me encourage you to cry out to the Lord (Not surewhere to start? Check out the prayer below.)

Tell Him what you’re thinking and feeling! Share your fears and concerns with Him! Yes, He already knows about the situation you’re walking through, but He wants to lead you through it. He wants you to rely on Him. He wants you to rest in His embrace. It won’t be easy, but I promise it’s the best thing you can do.

Won’t you let Psalm 91:4 comfort you? - “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge.“

Prayer: Dear Lord, I’m fearful about ___________ right now. Calm my heart and nerves and help me to turn my thoughts to you. Strengthen my faith, let it grow bigger than my fear and help me to trust in you. Thank you for the promise from your Word that you will never leave me and I don’t have to walk this journey of life alone. Amen.

Adedayo Adebiyi

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