06/11/2024 0 Comments
Think and Pray for Advent - John's Gospel
Think and Pray for Advent - John's Gospel
AJ Levine has published several "Beginner's Guides" and we've followed quite a few. This is her latest and is in the usual six-week format - so we'll meet 13/11, 20/11, 27/11, 4/12, 11/12 and 18/12.
There is a chapter to read, a short video of her introducing the topic and then we'll have the opportunity to talk about our response.
All this takes place in the context of Morning Prayer and this year our meetings will be on Zoom again, and the link will be sent out closer to the time. If you would like to receive the zoom link please complete the form here.
While it is desirable to come for six weeks, please do feel free to pop in when you can. There is a theme for each of the six weeks, but if you're able to come for even one, I hope you will find it inspiring to take part and good to pray with others